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About me

My name is Hao from California Baptist University. As an experienced strength and conditioning coach focusing on sports performance and functional training, I am especially good at enhancing strength, agility, speed, and power, for some of my clients who consist of former NBA players, active pro-athletes, student-athletes and non-athletes. I am also very skilled at helping older individuals and special populations correct movement patterns by adequately preventing them from injuries, risks, and improper forms and develop their amount of muscle and strength. Based on my experience in studying kinesiology in the US, I understand how crucial it is to use sports testing equipment for monitoring, observing, and evaluating. In summary, I am a lecturer advocating sports science, movement analysis and sports assessments. My ultimate goal is for my clients to get better quality of life and reach sports achievements after being involved in effective and efficient programs I have developed.

我是Mike,畢業於美國California Baptist University,是一位肌力與體能教練。也是一名職業籃球員的體能教練。擅長運動表現、基礎肌力、以及功能性訓練。能幫助學生運動員和運動員設計有效率的訓練計畫並增強肌力、速度和力量。幫助客戶增進運動表現和生活品質,也能幫助年老者建立正確的發力模式以預防姿勢不良所造成的運動傷害。客戶包含了前NBA球員、現役職業選手及非運動員。


Height: 6'1''

Weight: 168 lbs

Squat PR: 340 lbs

Trap bar deadlift PR: 385 lbs

1/4 trap bar deadlift PR: 463 lbs

Bench press PR: 220 lbs

Hang clean PR: 171 lbs

Quarter pin squat PR: 617 lbs

Standing reach: 7'7.5''

Standing vertical jump: 31.5''

Standing vertical jump reach: 10'3''

Two legs vertical jump: 36''

Two legs vertical jump reach: 10'7.5''

Single leg jump: 37.5''

Single vertical jump reach: 10'9''

Level that I have worked with

●Former NBA players

●Professional basketball players

●College student-athletes

●High school student-athletes

●Non-athletes clients


Trainer of former NBA players and pro-athletes●2022/05-present

●Assist former NBA players in enhancing speed, vertical jump, and quickness

●Conduct comprehensive assessments and trainings for athletes

●Analyze athletes' movement patterns and design personalized programs


Free-lance strength and conditioning coach●2020/06-present

●Teach clients about the correct use of free weight training

●Create safe and effective personal training for clients

●Help clients build correct movement patterns


Jump science workshop assistant lecturer ●2020/12-present

●Instruct members in training technique and concepts

●Demonstrate how to train athletes for enhancing performance

●Analyze what training methods are suitable for clients

Pauian pro basketball team - S&C coach●2021/9-2021/11

●Designed training programs

●Observed players and teach them about proper training-forms

●Created and instruct efficient warm-up programs


Basketball team assistant coach●2018/08-2019/08

●Designed training plans
●Enhanced players' basketball skills
●Helped coaches teaching basketball concepts


Basketball trainer for teenagers●2017/08-2018/06

●Coached young players in basics of basketball.
●Taught basketball strategies
●Developed players’ basketball skills


Interpreter of Traill International School for a basketball tournament●2018/08

●Visiting lecturer of a group of Taiwan military for S&C  2022/04

●Visiting lecturer of physical therapy program of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University for weight training 2022/04

●Assessments instructor of pre-professional basketball camp for college students 2022/07


●Proficiency in multiple fields: sports performance, free weight training, and basic strength program


●Highly motivated with enhancing clients’ performance and personal health and wellness


●Fluent in Mandarin and English


●Former college basketball athlete

●Certified strength and conditioning specialist of the National Strength and Conditioning Association


●Certified personal trainer of the National Strength and Conditioning Association

●Collective exercise specialist of National Academy of Sports Medicine

●Performance specialist of Exos

●Breathing optimization

●Glute optimization

●Level one and two certificate of Reflexive Performance Reset

●TRX Suspension Training Digital Course 

●3D movement analysis & performance system

●Certification in applied functional science

●Postpartum and pregnancy strength training course


身高:188 cm

體重:76 kg

蹲舉最大肌力:155 kg

六角槓硬舉最大肌力:175 kg

1/4六角槓硬舉最大肌力:210 kg

臥推最大肌力:100 kg

​懸掛式上博最大肌力:77.5 kg


站姿摸高:232.41 cm

原地垂直跳:80.01 cm

原地垂直跳摸高:312.42 cm

雙腳助跑跳:91.44 cm

雙腳助跑跳摸高:323.85 cm

單腳助跑跳:95.25 cm

單腳助跑跳摸高​:327.66 cm






















桃園璞園建築籃球隊 - 助理體能教練●2021/9-2021/11














●台灣陸軍-資通電軍資訊通信聯隊-體適能講座 2022/04

●台灣國立陽明交通大學物理治療學系業師-指導重量訓練 2022/04

●啟程國際運動行銷籃球訓練營摸高檢測員 2022/07







●美國肌力與體能協會-合格私人教練 NSCA-CPT

●美國國家運動醫學學會-矯正運動專家 NASM-CES

●運動表現專家 Exos-XPS



●反射性性能重置等級一和等級二 ​

●TRX懸吊式阻抗訓練 - STC 網路培訓課程





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