Benefits of eccentric isometrics
Definition: Eccentric isometrics are a lifting technique involving doing slowly eccentric phase, hold at the sticking point for a few secs, and then finished with a fast concentric movement. Typically athletes perform a 5 secs eccentric with 2 secs pause at the sticking point. The number can vary.
Increased post activation potentiation : Recently several studies might have found isometrics create more effective post activation potentiation. One of studies demonstrated that isometrics training produce a greater PAP response in both upper and lower body than traditional heavy resistance training. What can explain this result refers to fatigue and energy expenditure.
Based on this research, concentric muscle produces greater metabolic fatigue and energy expenditure than eccentric muscles in light of greater ATP required.
In addition, greater total time under tension end up with greater motor unit recruitment. This enhances PAP while producing less than normal fatigue and energy expenditure. Because fatigue can impaired motor programming, minimizing the effects of fatigue allows the strongest and most efficient movement patterns to be etched into the CNS.
Increased proprioception and sensory feedback: eccentric isometrics improve stability and symmetry in both upper and lower body. We know a fact that traditional training cause slightly significant deterioration in symmetry and joint stability, whereas implementation of EI is related to the eccentric component of the movement. Muscle spindles provide the greatest extent of proprioceptive feedback when they are stretched during eccentric isometrics. What ends happening is that movement coordination and motor recruitment are maximized from this strengthen state of kinesthetic awareness and sensory integrated movement.
Muscle stiffness and proprioception: Increased muscle stiffness appears to enhance muscle spindle output and information for improved movement feedback.EI can avoid collapsing control during a prolonged eccentric phase. Apart from improving force absorption and enhancing injury prevention, eccentric training can optimize neuromuscular mechanisms.