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Training myth: What kind of stretch should we do?

作家相片: 許皓 Hao Hsu許皓 Hao Hsu


What kind of stretch should we do?

Generally, people do static stretch before exercising; however, dynamic stretch is way better than it for couples of reasons.

Upon former articles, it was expressed that static stretch might impair power and strength. Dynamic stretch, such as high knees, is a even more efficient way. It not only activates muscular nerve system but improves joints and muscle range of motion.

As mentioned above, doing static stretch before exercising influences performance negatively because muscle spindle under this situation can barely enhance the effects of stretch-shortening cycle.

Static stretch is aimed to improve joint range of motion and relieve overused muscle soreness. In addition, doing static stretch can cool down muscle and nerve system. Another technique called PNF can increase joint range of motion and flexibility very efficiently. We will discuss it later on.




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